In the second week

Since I’m still getting over the cold that impaired the end of last week, I’ve decided to do the “Veterano” workout as prescribed, limited to one exercise a day. I’m hoping this won’t tax my body too much, but will let me maintain some progress throughout the week.

As its Wednesday, I’ve done three of the exercises: Pullups, Bridges, and Handstand Pushups (Crow’s). Here is a quick review on progress and thoughts.

Pullups #

Pullups have been the most painful after the fact. Even today, i still feel Monday’s workout, which wasn’t all that impressive to start. Given the gym I am using at work, there isn’t any way to actually do the second step, so i skipped to the third step. The gym does have a pullup assist machine, which i’m using to offload the weight and help me get a good cadence. This will let me measure improvement in terms of reduced “help” which you couldn’t do if you were using jackknife style.

Bridges #

I find this exercise to be pretty nice. I get a good burn, though not in places i would have guessed initially. I’m still in the first step, but much improved from the first try. I got in two sets of 50, and probably could have done a third, but decided that i’ll add that in next go round. This is one of the exercises i hope will improve my golf game, so want to take the right time and get the flexibility and strength gains i think it will offer!

Handstand Pullups #

The first time i tried the headstand, i had no issues with it. It seems strange that it doesn’t have multiple reps, its a single pass timer. So instead i also did a quick go at the second step. This time around, i decided to attempt to do a minutes worth of the crow’s hold. That wasn’t to be. I managed 20 seconds on the first try, before losing balance and falling on my face. There were are few toe touches to try and keep balanced.

The second try i managed another 30 seconds, but i definitely feel the stretch in my groin and hips. I imagine in another two or so weeks i should get to the minute and progress - though we’ll see.

Not a bad start #

I’ve been pretty happy with the progress, especially given there was an extra 3 days rest without working out last week. The real test will be next week, and even then it depends since you really need to stay within a give step.


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Getting strong and getting thinner? Will it work?

I’ve been sticking to the workout plan. And this week I’ve also started (restarted) the keto diet plan based primarily on ketogains (see reddit). Already down a few pounds. I’m curious to see how quickly i notice the calorie deficits... Continue →