In the second week

Since I’m still getting over the cold that impaired the end of last week, I’ve decided to do the “Veterano” workout as prescribed, limited to one exercise a day. I’m hoping this won’t tax my body too much, but will let me maintain some progress throughout the week.

As its Wednesday, I’ve done three of the exercises: Pullups, Bridges, and Handstand Pushups (Crow’s). Here is a quick review on progress and thoughts.

Pullups #

Pullups have been the most painful after the fact. Even today, i still feel Monday’s workout, which wasn’t all that impressive to start. Given the gym I am using at work, there isn’t any way to actually do the second step, so i skipped to the third step. The gym does have a pullup assist machine, which i’m using to offload the weight and help me get a good cadence. This will let me measure improvement in terms of reduced “help” which you couldn’t do if you were using jackknife style.

Bridges #

I find this exercise to be pretty nice. I get a good burn, though not in places i would have guessed initially. I’m still in the first step, but much improved from the first try. I got in two sets of 50, and probably could have done a third, but decided that i’ll add that in next go round. This is one of the exercises i hope will improve my golf game, so want to take the right time and get the flexibility and strength gains i think it will offer!

Handstand Pullups #

The first time i tried the headstand, i had no issues with it. It seems strange that it doesn’t have multiple reps, its a single pass timer. So instead i also did a quick go at the second step. This time around, i decided to attempt to do a minutes worth of the crow’s hold. That wasn’t to be. I managed 20 seconds on the first try, before losing balance and falling on my face. There were are few toe touches to try and keep balanced.

The second try i managed another 30 seconds, but i definitely feel the stretch in my groin and hips. I imagine in another two or so weeks i should get to the minute and progress - though we’ll see.

Not a bad start #

I’ve been pretty happy with the progress, especially given there was an extra 3 days rest without working out last week. The real test will be next week, and even then it depends since you really need to stay within a give step.


Now read this

How unfit can I be?

It’s not even a week. It’s literally only three days. I’ve done each of the exercises once. Not even full sets for most of them. And I hurt. # The hardest part of the workouts is the cadence. But I am surprised by how sore I am already... Continue →