Getting strong and getting thinner? Will it work?

I’ve been sticking to the workout plan. And this week I’ve also started (restarted) the keto diet plan based primarily on ketogains (see reddit). Already down a few pounds. I’m curious to see how quickly i notice the calorie deficits impacting the workouts (strength gains).

Today was overhead press, and as always i struggled with the workout. I am just not quite making the progress I’d like with the lift, which i’m thinking may mean that i’m still lifting too close to my max, meaning i’m not getting enough volume to spur the growth.

After next month, I’m going to do a hard reset on the program, using my estimated 1RM numbers to set my initial lifting percentages, which is likely to lower my working sets. While the weights will go down, i expect the AMRAP sets to result in more reps, which will raise the volume overall. We’ll see.


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How unfit can I be?

It’s not even a week. It’s literally only three days. I’ve done each of the exercises once. Not even full sets for most of them. And I hurt. # The hardest part of the workouts is the cadence. But I am surprised by how sore I am already... Continue →