How unfit can I be?

It’s not even a week. It’s literally only three days. I’ve done each of the exercises once. Not even full sets for most of them.

And I hurt. #

The hardest part of the workouts is the cadence. But I am surprised by how sore I am already given how little work I’ve actually done, and how little time that took.

The worst is the hip flexors. They flat out hurt. Probably underused with regularity, and the squats and leg raises really did a number on them and the quads.

I’m sticking with it, but I’m not sure I’ll be sticking with the two per day… I’m not as fit as I thought I was… and I didn’t think I was at all fit to start!

Tomorrow will mark a return to the first workout. Pull ups and leg raises. Given that I am moving on to step 2 in the pull ups, I expect that there will be some associated soreness in the days to come!


Now read this

Sticking to a plan

I seem to have difficulty maintaining forward progress when it comes to working out. I’ve started a lot of programs, made progress, but ultimately stopped. Usually sickness, or holidays, or some other “reason” gets in the way for a day,... Continue →